Sunday, April 28, 2024

Left field you say

Had an email reminder this morning about the Springsteen concert next week. Good job really as I looked at it and discovered gates open at 4 and it's due to end at 8. They know Springsteen fans are old and need to be home in bed early.

* * * * *

In church this morning there was a visiting speaker. Like me he'd been given the topic, Bible character I relate to. He chose Nehemiah, which sounded a bit intimidating - I know nothing about Nehemiah - but he was excellent. The speaker has been a church leader for over twenty-five years so, as you can imagine, his talk was very different from what mine will be like next week. Which is a good thing I tell myself.

I spoke to him afterwards. He knew me mainly because of my articles in The Bay and on Facebook. "You're quite left field, aren't you?"

Always a bit worrying when someone knows me mostly from my writing as I'm much more 'out there' in what I say compared to real life.

What I've noticed before, but what struck me particularly this morning when I was talking to someone during tea afterwards, is my tendency to start a sentence, not knowing where I'm going with it, then to flap about a bit before ending without finishing. Stopping instead with a shrug, and a sigh. It's no wonder people look confused when I talk to them.

I am wondering whether to create a Powerpoint presentation to go with my talk. It would distract the congregation a bit - especially if there's a technical hitch as happened this morning - but would I be able to think both talk and clicking (button to change slide) at the same time?

* * * * *

GrandDaughter2 picked me a bunch of forget-me-nots.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Will your anchor hold?

When you ask in the charity shop if they have an old bible hidden away and the woman comes back with the biggest, heaviest, Welsh bible I've ever seen. Which proved to be ideal for my purpose.

The big problem - apart from carrying it around Mumbles - was psyching myself up to tear pages out of it when I got home. I told myself it was what I bought it for but desecrating any book is painful.

The reason for such destructive behaviour was to create a background for the collage I was putting together for Zac's. Before you comment on the end result, please bear in mind that I am not an artist and neither are the guys in Zac's. That said, I'm quite pleased with it. I think it captures the Zac's vibe well. Rough and ready but with soul.

* * * * *
This morning I also realised that it's only a week tomorrow until I am speaking in Monty's church. Speaking on, "The bible character that I most relate to." Any guesses who that might be?

Which means it's also only a week tomorrow until we go to see Bruce Springsteen at the Principality Stadium in Cardiff! Yay!

And, of course, last night we went to see Daughter-in-law in Bleak Expectations. It was great fun and she was excellent. And, naturally, I had to do the Photo.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The day off?

So . . . Daughter messaged to ask if I wanted to go for a dog walk this afternoon. I said yes. Then an urgent plea went out for people to help serving food at Zac's because they were short-staffed. Nobody else available so I went in.

That was my empty day filled!

And perfectly happy I am about it. I'd only have sat around dithering and ended up wasting a day.

Now some rock life.

Limpets, barnacles, and, I assume, orange lichen

Honeycomb worm tubes

Limpets and winkles

Bleak Expectations

Driving home from the doctor's where I not only had my second shingles jab but booked a pneumonia jab for next week - children and old people seem to make good pincushions but I'm not objecting if it keeps me safe - I caught a snatch of Yesterday in Parliament on the radio.

You can understand why they have strict rules about how MPs have to address each other and behave in parliament. In the car I was shouting, "You evil and stupid man! What a load of twaddle!"

Now the rest of the day is free until this evening when I'm childminding as Elder Son is in London for work for the day and Daughter-in-law is starring in Swansea Little Theatre's production of Bleak Expectations. We're going to see it tomorrow and looking forward to it very much.

Realising I had a free day I instantly began thinking of things I could do. I could do this, or that, and that. Or I could do this instead or as well. So I'm trying to stop, breathe, relax a bit, and enjoy the day, instead of filling it to the brim with stuff.

Wonder how long that will last!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Many Tears

After cooking in Zac's this morning I decided to take a run (in the car) out to a nearby dogs' home (Many Tears). We sometimes get given quilts or blankets* that we can't use, sleeping bags being the preferred option, so I'd messaged the home and asked if they could use them for the dogs. They said yes so I loaded up and headed out. 

How I managed to come home without a dog I don't know. Well, apart from the obvious that they do house calls and interview you first to make sure you're suitable. I was almost in tears. So many of the dogs there were used just for breeding and then they're dumped. They're not house-trained or used to human company as they are kept in sheds. I don't know why it's not illegal.

* * * * *

Having a cleaner I am now looking at things around the house with her eyes. The state of my tea cosy would keep a super-clean person awake at night. So I treated myself to a new one!

The best laid plans

The plan was to get to Zac's early and calm.

I set off late (I was dilly-dallying) drove down the road, remembered I'd forgotten Alexa - if you recall I very cleverly set up a play-list for the evening - did a u-turn and rushed back home. Sprinted into the kitchen, unplugged Alexa, called to Husband that I'd come back for her, Husband said, "Alexa won't work there will she?"
Stopped in my tracks. "Won't she?"
"She needs the internet."
"But I've downloaded a playlist so can't she just play that? Zac's has the internet anyway, I'm going."

Arrived at Zac's late and stressed.

Plugged Alexa in, asked her to play the playlist. "I need the internet," or words to that effect.
Stu who was making tea said, "Use your app."
I looked at him vaguely. "I don't have an app."
"Well, download it from the app store."

Ten minutes later having struggled to find my phone number because I didn't know my Amazon password it sends an email to me. I could access my emails but it would take another ten minutes and we don't have that time. 

"Blow it. I'll play a song on my phone."

The idea was to play some music while the guys drew or wrote something inspired by the words anchor, hope, promise. I wasn't sure how they'd respond but most took part enthusiastically. I'm planning to create a collage to hang on the wall at Zac's so I'll show you that when it's done. 

Meanwhile enjoy some delicious blueberry muffins.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

To do or what to do

The to-do list I wrote myself this morning. 

The plan was that I should continue working on prepping for study tonight and then take a break and do my to-dos.

Pay Bev (cleaner) Tick.
Swansea bookshop (a lovely lady has created a website for Swansea authors to advertise their books and she'd agreed I could send her links to mine, so that was what I had to do.) Tick.
Rwanda write to MP (our MP, whom I have contacted before about the government's atrocious plan to send refugees to Rwanda, and who was in full agreement with my views, failed to vote in last night's crucial final vote, and I wanted to know why.) Tick.
Shingles jab (second one to be booked). Tick.
? (I had something else on the list when I was thinking about it upstairs but when I came down it had disappeared into the abyss of my brain.) No tick.

The 9am scribbled next to the ? refers to my appointment not the ?

Now to bake cake for this evening and think of something to do with frozen chicken thighs for dinner.

Second review


More reasons to get a dog

1. When you're walking in the woods and you come across a woman apparently talking to her dog, that's normal. However if the woman is dogless and alone but still talking, more concerning.

 I'm leading Zac's tonight. In the past I used to take George into the woods to practise. I don't know why but it was my favourite place to rehearse. Now I have to use the lounge and it's not so good. I need a dog to accompany me and stop me looking like a woman who's lost her carer.

2. I'm the heaviest I've been for years. I need a dog to walk. I could walk on my own but I don't have the motivation. I borrow dogs but they don't love me as much. I need a dog to improve my fitness and weight.

3. When I eat too much it brings me down and when I'm down I eat too much. A dog and fresh air and nature are known to lift the mood, increase happy hormone production. I need a dog to improve my mental health.

And speaking of dogs, on Pobbles yesterday with Toby, Daughter and Louie, we spotted a dogfish. At first we thought it was dead but it was quite happy and alive, just left behind in a pool. It was a very low tide but it was turning and the pool would soon be covered again.

Soon be there.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

No piercings please, we're Christian

Another lovely walk today sticking to the paths this time. Discovered a new signpost near the old brick works.

You can still see the remains of the old brick path in places throughout the woods. There was a quarry, an arsenic mine, and coal mines in the woods in the past, as well as the brick works.

Loads of lovely wild garlic beds. I understand you're supposed to gather the leaves before the flowers come out if you want to make pesto though.

Came home and planted my new rambling rose, still in a pot because the wall won't be ready for it for some time. And then I sat in the sun and read. The first time this year. 

* * * * *
No daytime television watching for me today then. I've watched a few series of The Pilgrimage now while I've been under the weather. (Seven pilgrims undertake a traditional pilgrimage to find God or themselves or whatever they're looking for. Each series has an Anglican, a Roman Catholic, a Muslim and a Jew, practising or nominal in each case. Overall the Muslims come over best. All the pilgrims are lovely and on the whole very respectful of and generous to the others.

In the last series a born-again Christian featured. He used to be in a boy band - Boyzone maybe - and is called Shane or Wayne or something. He was very serious about his faith and wouldn't accept a blessing from a Roman catholic. Their pilgrimage ended at the site in Fatima where the Virgin Mary was said to have appeared to three young children, in time for a huge candle-lit vigil, a big thing in Catholic circles. The day they were supposed to join this vigil he went home leaving them a note, saying he couldn't take part in something worshipping Mary or Fatima or any saint. I understand his view but felt he'd let down the pilgrims with whom he was travelling. 

They'd spent over two weeks on the road together, learning and getting to know each other, appreciating other faiths and supporting each other. And he must have known that was where the pilgrimage would end so why sign up for it? 

The one I'm in the middle of at the moment is a trip across North Wales, in beautiful scenery and bright sunshine so far! There's a reality star who was Eton-educated and at one point we had the lapsed Muslim explaining to him that Jesus and, indeed the saints whose tombs they were visiting, were real people, not from a story. (I know Stu will disagree with that!) The Eton boy was stunned. "That makes all the difference," he said. 

As one of the other pilgrims said, "What school did you say you went to?"

And while we're on the school Christianity subject, something on Debra's blog reminded me of something that still makes me mad twenty-five years later.

A group of mums used to have a school prayer group and we were sometimes invited into the school to pray with Christian teachers. On one occasion we took a team of young people with us. They were spending a year with a church, learning, volunteering, teaching, talking about Jesus to anyone who'd listen. 

We suggested to the teachers that this group could go into the school and lead an assembly. Show the pupils that Christians weren't all old fuddy duddies.

The Head of Religious Studies said, "No. He has long hair, and he has an earring. What kind of example would they be setting if we let them stand on the stage in front of our children?"

This is wrong in so many ways and left me silent but spitting. Anyway, here are the memes Debra posted that set me off.


Friday, April 19, 2024

Bog crawling

Elder Son and family have gone to Butlins for the weekend for a football tournament, so we have house guests in the form of Toby Dog and Stella Cat.

I took Toby for a walk this afternoon, intending it to be a short walk over the tip but I got distracted and ended up walking by the river. I said, "We'll walk until we reach the first swamp." (Swamp being a place where the path has been washed away and replaced by a bog.)

Then, of course, we reach our first swamp and I say, "We can manage this, Toby." 

By the time we reach our fifth - impossible - swamp it's too late to say, "Go back now," and instead I say, "This must be the last one." 

It wasn't. But I got across it without sinking up to my knees, and by relying on things you don't want to have to rely on. Like the branch that broke off in my hand. 

I squeaked a lot but only actually screamed once when I thought I was headed for the miry pit. 

It was worth it though. 

I feel better for it though I may be suffering later! I put my vest on to go out and I realised my granny would say that's why I have a cold. Taking off your vest, putting it back on, taking it off again. No good will come of it. But may is well and truly out.

And when I got home Stella appeared to remind me that before I left I said, "I'll feed you when we get back, Stella."

Iron Men

Stu said, "If you're feeling at all under the weather don't come in on Friday. We can manage." (To Zac's for food service.)

Well, since you mention it . . . so I'm having a day off, a week off in fact as I've not done any of my regular routines. I'm not too bad, mostly just tired, and a bit snuffly. But as I don't think I've been ill since April 2023 that's not bad.

* * * * *

I keep getting clips for Marvel films on my social media and they look funny - and have good-looking stars - so I decided I'd like to watch them. Asked Younger Son where to begin and he pointed me to two chrologoogiacl lists. (Good grief, I was trying to type chronological there without looking at the screen.)

Turns out there are something like thirty-two Marvel films! We started last night with Iron Man, the first one to be made (2008) rather than the first one history time wise (WW2). 

I enjoyed it while Husband said it was okay. "But," he said, "I didn't bother watching the earlier films either that you watched with the boys when I was working away."
I frowned. "What earlier films?"
"The original Iron Man. And Iron Man 2."
"I don't remember those. Who was in them?"
"I don't know. You watched them."
"I don't think I did."
"Yes, you did."

I googled it. There were no earlier Iron Man films. 

We often have these arguments usually over what I'm supposed to have watched without him.

* * * * *

I've just finished True Grit by Charles Portis. Great book. I can hear the voice so clearly. It's narrated by Mattie Ross, a fourteen-year-old. We should all bring our daughters up to be like Mattie Ross.

I'm sure I must have seen True Grit with John Wayne but I don't remember it. I definitely haven't watched the remake. 

* * * * *

Looking for a photo of Iron Man I was reminded of the book by Ted Hughes. Now that I have read.